EMF Protection For All

EMF protection is becoming a huge deal. Many people are educating themselves about the dangers of EMF, and are looking for ways to protect themselves from it. We have found several ways to protect yourself from these radiations and frequencies. Interested? Here we go.

What is EMF?

EMF is composed of frequencies of varying strengths. And it is everywhere. The Earth has a frequency of about 8 hertz. Our bodies are naturally in tune with this frequency, and if we can stay within it, we remain healthy. With all the electric and electronic devices around, we are exposed to many frequencies that can take us out of balance with this natural frequency.

So what are some of the things that cause EMF pollution? They are many and varied.

  • Televisions
  • Microwave Ovens
  • Cell Phones
  • WiFi
  • Computers
  • Refigerators
  • Light bulbs – Some are worse than others

And the list goes on. This is a very frightening subject, because in this day and age, it is almost impossible to avoid EMF pollution. The problems associated with EMF are being studied more than ever. And the list of health problems continues to grow. The research into this phenomenon is creating a huge body of information on what EMF can do to the human body and psyche. They include such things as:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Unhealthy reaction to stress
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Muscular aches and pains
  • Tremors
  • Sleep disorders
  • Loss of concentration
  • Loss of memory

And once again, the list goes on. So, is there anything we can do to protect ourselves from all these radiations and frequencies? The answer is yes, we can.

EMF Protection

There are things you can do to prevent and possibly reverse the damage that EMF produces. The first, and easiest is to simply walk around outside with no shoes and socks on. This does not mean walking on roads or concrete walks. Walking on bare earth, or grass, or the beach is a natural way of grounding frequencies that are giving you trouble back into the earth. Haven’t you noticed that when you indulge in this activity that you just feel better and more in tune?

EMF protection-tuun resonate in rose gold and black

And there is one more thing that you can do to help protect yourself from EMF and EMF damage. Introducing Tuün™ Resonate! It is a revolutionary take on EMF protection that creates a bubble of protection around you. Scan the QR code to the right to watch the video to find out more!

This amazing product is brand new and already has some incredible and powerful testimonials about how good this product is making people feel. And what they have to say is pretty convincing that this product does for them what it claims.


A third thing you can do is surround yourself with crystals or wear jewelry that is created to ground these harmful energies. These crystals and pieces of jewelry are also used to reset your body’s frequency and re-tune your body closer to the Earth’s natural frequency of 8H. You can find excellent and Beautiful protection here.


If you find that you have any questions about the products or services on this site, please feel free to contact me. You can find my contact information here. I look forward to talking to you.